7 Ways to Use Sheet Mask Leftovers

Woman with face mask

Can you ever see the day that you use half a pricey lipstick, then promptly proceed to throw the rest in the bin? How about your moisturizer? Or your favorite shampoo?

No, we didn’t think so! Well, if you’ve ever treated yourself to a sheet mask before, we’re betting you noticed there was an abundance of product remaining once you’d applied the sheet to your face. A product that you likely threw away because you weren’t sure what to do with it. 

That’s enough of that! Here at Vivo Per Lei, we hate waste. So, the next time you have a pamper session and apply your favorite Vivo Per Lei sheet mask, we have seven amazing ways you can use up the extra and get the most out of your money, and the product!

Apply the Rest to Your Neck 

Woman applying neck serum

We see no point in using all of those amazing ingredients to glow-up your facial skin only to stop right at the jawline! After all, the skin on our decolletages’ is just as delicate and in need of attention as the skin on our faces. 

Want to make sure you look and feel adequately hydrated right from your hairline to your chest?

Simply scoop up the remaining liquid from your sheet mask packet! The Vivo Per Lei Collagen and Avocado Mask is perfect for this, with its ingredients being so beneficial for the fragile skin on the neck. As you might have guessed, it’s infused with both collagen and avocado oil. Both of which are incredible ingredients when it comes to a youthful appearance and flawless-looking skin. Each set comes with 5 individually packaged masks. Use one a week for 5 weeks to see the most amazing results.

Either place it into a small bowl so you can distribute it nice and evenly, or simply pour it into your hand and smooth it on. 

Once you’ve applied it, gently massage the area making sure all of the goodness is absorbed by your skin. It doesn’t have the sheet mask to hold it in place of course so your use your fingertips to do that work instead. 

As you massage, do so gently so as not to overwork the delicate skin on your neck and chest area. Also, doing so in upward strokes towards your jawline and your ears will encourage lymphatic drainage. This is great for reducing the visibility of puffiness or swelling in these areas. 

Treat Your Hands And Cuticles

Whenever we apply a sheet mask, we often find ourselves wishing we could bottle the ingredients used so that we could distribute them onto other areas of our bodies. Well, we say why not use it whilst you have it on hand?

The next time you’re relaxing with a sheet mask, kicking back with an ice-cold drink, and your feet up, use some of that extra product to treat your hands and cuticles

After all, we’re all guilty of neglecting our hands when it comes to skincare routines. We have plenty of time for our faces, even our bodies, but our hands just seem to always get left out! That’s why they’ll react so amazingly well to such a luxurious treatment. 

If you’re looking for a mask that leaves you and your skin feeling wonderfully refreshed and invigorated both whilst you’re wearing and after you’re done, the Vivo Per Lei Vita-C Sheet Mask is the one for you. What’s more, this gorgeous mask will make your skin look brighter and feel more toned. This mask contains collagen, which promotes a more youthful appearance for your skin. 

Simply smooth the product onto your cuticles and massage it in. Though you might not notice it right away, soon enough, you’ll see they look much softer and look much more uniform than before. You can pretty much say goodbye to the feeling of dryness and the appearance of peeling after just one use in our experience!

For your hands, do the same. Smooth the products on, and don’t forget to massage the ingredients in. Doing this will not only make sure your skin absorbs all that goodness, but it’ll also stimulate blood flow which is always a treat for your hands and their circulation. Not to mention, doing this will feel amazingly relaxing! You won’t realize how much tension you carry in your hands until you try it.

If you really want to treat your fingers and cuticles a little more intensely, that’s possible too. Once you’re done with your skeet mask on your face, take it off, and then cut it into 10 even strips. Dip these into the leftover essence, then go ahead and wrap each one around your nail and cuticle area. 

This will treat your digits to the same experience the skin on your face had and will stop any product from dripping once applied.

Use it After You’re Done

Woman applying sheet mask

For those with a comprehensive body skincare routine, using your face mask leftovers on your body might feel like a waste or may simply be unnecessary for you. 

If that’s the case, we suggest putting all of the focus back onto the skin on your face. This is the area you wanted to treat initially so it seems only right it should reap every benefit possible from that mask!

So, once you’ve run out the timer on your sheet mask and you’ve removed it from your skin, set your sheet to one side and pick up your leftovers from the packet. From here, use your fingertips to apply the liquid to your face like a serum making sure to massage it into the skin so it can absorb as you go.

This will ensure you have no wastage left from your (often pricey) purchase. It also means your skin gets a double helping of care. Not to mention a well-deserved massage that can help to stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage for a healthier, more dewy-looking appearance. 

Use it as a Body Moisturizer

For those times you have heaps of sheet mask essence left over, we suggest you put it to good use. 

How, you ask? 

By using it as a body moisturizer!

Now, you may think there’ll ever be an instance where you have so much product leftover that you have enough to use it as a body moisturizer. But you can trust us, it happens! And, when it does, your skin will be more than happy to accept and absorb all of those luxurious ingredients that offer a boost of moisture, and a healthy glow to boot. 

As we talked about previously, start with your neck and chest. These are the areas we suggest paying the most attention to if you’re looking to help with the appearance of aging. After all, these are some of the first places we’ll start to notice age lines appearing on our bodies, aside from on our faces. 

Next, go ahead and massage your sheet mask leftovers into your shoulders, arms, and hands (if you haven’t already!) After that, if you have enough, there’s nothing to say you can’t move onto your torso and even your legs. 

In fact, we often choose to treat our legs to these ingredients if we’re expecting to wear an outfit that shows off our pins! This way your legs will look super smooth and feel incredibly moisturized when you step out the following day. 

Make a Second Mask

If you weren’t already aware, it’s actually possible these days to purchase reusable sheet masks suitable for use with your own, homemade mask recipes. These clean sheet masks are perfect for adding leftover products to, and, considering there’s usually such a huge amount of liquid left over, you can regularly make a whole second sheet mask. 

We suggest having these on hand when you and a friend are having a pamper session as, this way, you can enjoy two masks from one packet. One for you, and one for them. Much better than accidentally spilling it all over your lap as we all usually do!

Re-Moisturize Your Mask

Woman with face mask

We’ve lost count of the times we’ve applied a sheet mask only to have it dry out on us just a few minutes later. We’re sure if you’re a regular mask user, you’ve had a fair amount of experience with this too. 

We usually find it’s especially bad around the edges and around the areas that are open for our eyes and mouths. 

If this happens to you often and you hate the way it feels, (not to mention you hate that you’re not getting the most out of your mask) we highly suggest putting the excess liquid from your sheet mask packet to one side and then waiting patiently for a few minutes until those dry areas start to appear. 

Once they do, simply use a mask applicator brush or, easier than that, your fingertips, to gently re-apply the liquid to your sheet mask where it needs it. 

Not only will it give you more even results after your treatment, but it’ll also make removing the sheet mask much smoother as no areas will have stuck to your face during the process. Ouch!

Save it for a Rainy Day

Sometimes, all we want to do is apply our sheet mask, then sit back and relax, right? We don’t want the fuss of having to apply the product somewhere else or worry about choosing which area of our body might benefit from it most. 

However, what we also don’t want to do is waste what remains! Especially if we’ve spent a fair amount of money on a particularly amazing mask as a treat for ourselves.

Well, we hear you! When this happens, we suggest simply transferring the leftover sheet mask product into a small, air-tight container, and popping it in the fridge to use at a later time. 

Wondering how long it’ll last?

We thought so.

Seeing as the ingredients have now been exposed to the air, we always suggest you use whatever you’ve saved and stored in the refrigerator within 24 hours. This will make sure none of the product ingredients have spoiled and will prevent anything from reacting negatively with your skin. 

Not to mention, keeping it in the fridge is always a bonus as it feels so refreshing to apply product to your skin when it’s so cool!


Sheet masks are a welcome addition to any skincare routine. Now that you know how you can really make the most of them, you’ll hopefully love them even more! Don’t forget – here at Vivo Per Lei, we stock an incredible variety of different face masks, so head on over to our online store the next time you want to treat your skin.

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